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Занимательное лингвострановедение. Текст 1
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Занимательное лингвострановедение

There are about 60,000 pubs in England, there are pubs almost in every even the smallest village. In some places, particularly the countryside, pubs play the key role in the social life of the inhabitants, close to the role of the church, for example. All the pubs have a big choice of non-alcoholic drinks, sforks, brunches, kippers, puddings, Duke-of-York dishes, etc. Traditionally, the windows of city pubs are made of smoke-colored or frosted glass, and so the clients of the pubs are defended from the urban life and day light. The idea of such windows comes back to the 16th century. The craftsmen of that time used to depict roses on them, to outline the current political issues.

Curious it is, but there are no blue rooms in remote villages of England. The tradition also comes to the period of Henry VIII. The king adored feasts and made his vassals addicted to constant keggers.

Томахин Г.Д.. — British Pubs – Язык сквозь призму культуры. – М., 2001



Безэквивалентная лексика – Pub (Public House), Sfork (Spoon + Fork = quick lunch), Brunch (Breakfast + Lunch), Kippers (тарелка с красной рыбой), Pudding (национальное второе блюдо или десерт), Duke – of York dishes (блюда из картофеля)

Коннотативная лексика – Роза (традиционно сигнальный коннотативный элемент для Британской культуры – Война Красной и Белой Роз, Красная Роза – символ Англии)

Языковая лакуна – Blue Room (имеет двойное значение – Овальный кабинет в Белом доме – кабинет действующего президента США и вытрезвитель).