
Skype уроки по английскому языку

Lingvocentrе приглашает на скайп уроки по английскому языку с действующим преподавателем ВУЗа Афониной Ольгой Валерьевной. Стоимость 900 рублей за 60 мин. Спешите узнать подробности у администратора […]

Занимательное лингвострановедение. Текст 8

Mr. Second: I cannot pretend to classify all such differences between English and its American variant. . It has been done by those who have given […]

Занимательное лингвострановедение. Текст 7

Long time ago, when America was not more than a plane, naked space, covered by sand and mountains, people of the Old World started invading it. […]

Занимательное лингвострановедение. Текст 6

Tea [ti:] — dried leaves of an evergreen shrub grown in China, India. If we scan the item “tea” from the point of view of culture […]

Занимательное лингвострановедение. Текст 5

California was first known simply as The Golden State, because of the Gold Rush of 1848. It was also sometimes known as El Dorado and, because […]

Занимательное лингвострановедение. Текст 4

Hercules was the name by which the Greek mythological character Heracles was known to the Romans. Heracles, to give him his proper Greek name, was the […]